playwright / educator
Jolie London-Glickman is an actress-turned-playwright originally from New York, and a current MFA Playwriting Candidate at Philadelphia's Temple University. Jolie writes what she knows, or longs to know: about womanhood and queer identity, Jews in diaspora and whiteness, objectification and intimacy, and illness and addiction. A graduate of NYU/Tisch with a BFA in Acting, her plays explore the possibilities of individual action as dictated by our current conditions, striving to reveal and confront the invisible ideology that defines what we call 'common sense.'
Her debut play, GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS, premiered at The New York International Fringe Festival to sold-out audiences and earned the FringeFave award. Jolie has instructed four courses at Temple University, including Playwriting and Queer Theatre. She is currently teaching an acting course and a course in personal statement writing, both for the second time.
Proud to pay her union dues, Jolie serves on the Executive Board of the Temple University Graduate Students’ Association (TUGSA). She also enjoyed a past-life as a B-list internet personality; PAPER Magazine named her one of the "Amazing Women to Follow on the Internet,” and Mashable featured her in “40 Times Ladies Ruled the World.” People Magazine, the Today Show, MTV, Cosmopolitan, Buzzfeed, Women’s Health, and the BBC have also covered Jolie’s social impact. Oh, and she was the voice of the pretzel Goldfish.